I wanted to create this blog just for you. Think of it as letters of love and encouragement from me to you. You my dear daughter are such a special little girl. You have a beautiful and kind heart and I pray you will always hold on to that. I pray that as you grow older,you and I will grow closer. I pray that I will do a job well done in teaching you the things about life and about living for God. I love you so much sweet Abby. You bring so much JOY to my life and to all those around you. You are an amazing big sister and I can tell that your siblings just love and adore you. Thank you for being who you are. I am so thankful that God chose to make me your Mother.
Love you with every part of my heart

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dear Abby, Love Auntie Lori

Dear Abby, I am so happy and thankful to have you in my
life  as my niece and as my friend. You are already wise 
beyond your years. I love the heart you have for others. 
You're giving and loving and beautiful. I love the talent and 
interest you have in art and that we share that bond. 

Happy birthday awesome girl! Keep that fire in your heart 

for others. Keep honoring your mom and dad. You will never 
regret it

Enjoy your special day, sweet heart.

Love always, auntie Lori

1 comment:

  1. The sock monkey you made with the shrinky dinks was soooo cute . love Abby
