I wanted to create this blog just for you. Think of it as letters of love and encouragement from me to you. You my dear daughter are such a special little girl. You have a beautiful and kind heart and I pray you will always hold on to that. I pray that as you grow older,you and I will grow closer. I pray that I will do a job well done in teaching you the things about life and about living for God. I love you so much sweet Abby. You bring so much JOY to my life and to all those around you. You are an amazing big sister and I can tell that your siblings just love and adore you. Thank you for being who you are. I am so thankful that God chose to make me your Mother.
Love you with every part of my heart

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dear Amazing Daughter,


Today you showed me a whole other side of you. You showed me the side of you that is strong, determined, and amazing. Today you ran your first race. A race that many adults and many kids could never finish. All around us you could see people walking instead of running. All around us, people would stop and take a small break. But you ran! You didn't just go a slow steady jog, you kept up with us. (your mom,dad and uncle Ondray) You were passing others along the side of us. Abby there came a time in our run, we were already finished about 3/4 of the race, and your feet were getting tired. You were getting hot, sweaty and so thirsty. You wanted to stop. You wanted to just walk. You wanted to take a break. But you have a loving Mother and a loving Father that cheered you on. We kept saying "come on Abby, we're almost done. You're doing great Abby, keep it up." Abigail, in your race of life, I promise you that your dad and I will always be here by your side to cheer you on, to believe in you and to encourage you. At one point in the race you said "Mom, I need to hold your hand." So I held out my hand and we finished the last stretch hand in hand. There will be times in your life when you will want me to hold your hand, and I hope you will never be too afraid, too proud or too good, to ask "Mom I need to hold your hand." I love you with all my heart Abigail and you are an extraordinary young lady. I will always have my hand available in case you need it. As we approached the end and saw the finish line appear out of no where, you got a boost of energy. You knew at that moment that you had made it. You were going to finish. We cheered each other on! We smiled, we hooped and hollered! We did it together, as a family. Abby Girl, in life there are times when you think you won't make it. You think, I just want to stop or quit. But don't ever give in. Don't ever quit because the finish line is probably right around the corner. I believe in you. I love you and I am so proud of you!!! Thank you for being such an amazing kid! 
Love you always,

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Readers are Leaders

Dear Abby, I love that you love reading. Not just simple stories about fairies and princesses but historical books and biographies. I have always heard the quote "readers are leaders" and I find this to be very true. You are a leader Abigail and I love that about you. You are smart and a wonderful reader. I love that you like to read super hero books to Joey and ballerina books to Ellie. You are a wonderful sister and you are teaching them to love books as well. Thank you for being my beautiful book worm :) love Mama

Monday, February 20, 2012

Dear Abby, Love Gma and Gpa

Happy Birthday to our super Granddaughter Now that you are the big number 8 can join the boy scouts oh no
not the boy scouts but the girl scouts.
Grandma and grandpa wish you the best birthday ever to our wonderful grandaughter we just wanted to let you know we love and miss you
                           love gma &gpa rudegeair

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dear Abby, Love Auntie Deh Duh

Dear abby!

First off Happy birthday! Wow I can not believe you are already 8!!!!!

It feels like just yesterday I moved in with you and you were only 19 months years old.

Sometimes I would baby sit you.... ha ha I don't think you liked that very much haha you would cry so I had to turn on Dora the explorer haha.

I remember you finally started to like me... we would play a lot! We would have tea parties! We would play outside in the play house.... we also drawled with sure walk chalk and played with bubbles. I think my favorite time was when we picked out rocks and colored them!!!

Man time flies doesn't it? Do you remember laurie burkner band? That was like our favorite music to listen to.... or upside down by jack Johnson! We can't forget hips don't lie!..... we had some really fun times! 

I want you to know thatyou are very special to me. You are so smart too the smartest 8 year old I know! And man are you a awesome big sister! Ihooe your birthday this year is special just like you. I love you so much and I miss you a ton!
Love always your one and only aunt deh-duh!

Dear Abby Girl, Love Mamma

My Dearest Abby Girl,
Today is your birthday. You are now EIGHT years old. I know that being 8 doesn't seem so old to you, but for me, you all ready seem so grown up. You, my sweet girl, are so special to me. You are my first everything as a mother. For almost 4 years it was just me, you and Daddy. We did everything together. Those days were some really fun and special days. And even though we loved it being just the 3 of us, I remember when you started asking for a little brother or sister. You have always loved other kids/babies. You were always gentle and kind towards them. I knew you would be a fantastic big sister and I was right. God decide to make our family grow! He blessed us with Josiah and Elliana and though it is no longer just the 3 of us, I still enjoy all the special things we do together. Abby, Thank you for being patient with your little brother and sister. You are always creating fun things for them to do. You love to tell them stories, and sing songs with them. I love that you were the one that introduced Super Hero's to Joey. All because you decided to search something on Google :) I love that you like to dress up Ellie in play clothes and would create magic wands for her to dance around with. I know that you hate to see them unhappy.
Abby there are so many wonderful things that I LOVE about you. I love how BRAVE you are! You are filled with so much STRENGTH and COURAGE. I don't think that there is anything that you couldn't conquer or perfect. I love that you are a SOCIAL BUTTERFLY. You love others and getting to know others. It doesn't matter how old they are, they could be a old old person and you would still sit and talk with them. This makes you PRECIOUS. You are incredibly SMART! Sometimes I think you are too smart :) but you definitely keep me on my toes! I will never forget that beautiful poem/song you wrote and sang for Logan on his birthday. It was amazing! I love that you are CREATIVE. You can find junk around the house and build a master piece. You are full of wonderful ideas! Your Uncle Ondray tells me all the time that he loves taking you gift shopping because you always have an idea or suggestion. I love that you are TALENTED. Not only are you an ATHLETIC gymnast, you are a wonderful SINGER, a creative ARTIST, a graceful DANCER and a dramatic STORY TELLER. I love that you enjoy learning History. I love that you get excited about random facts. I love that you are so FUNNY! You truly have the biggest personality of any 8 year old. From the time you were little to now you have always loved telling knock knock jokes. I love that you have a PASSION for life. There are so many things you want to do and be when you are older. I hope that your dad and I can help you to achieve those goals/dreams. I love that you want to READ your BIBLE. I love that you want to know more about God and heaven. I pray that you will get to know Him. Because He loves you more than anyone and He wants what is best for you. I love that you can be super GIRLY, playing with make up, putting on gorgeous dresses and fancy shoes. But at the same time you love SPORTS, you love SUPER HERO'S, you love to rough house and climb trees. You are  GENTLE and TOUGH which makes a great combination. I love that you are a LEADER. I love that you are INDEPENDENT!
My Dear Abby, all the things are what create the one biggest thing I love most about you, and that is your HEART. You are so compassionate, caring, considerate, unselfish, thoughtful and genuine. You really really care about others. Not because I make you, but because that is who you are! I'm sorry if I have failed you at times. I'm sorry if I am not always patient. I'm sorry if I don't always take the time to listen to what you have to say. I am not perfect and I apologize for those times that I have hurt you. I never want to hurt you. I promise to work harder at being the Mother that God wants me to be for you and your siblings. I want you to be able to say one day as an adult "that my mom showed me what it meant to love like Christ." I want so badly for you to see God's love in me, because that is the most perfect and purest kind of love. His love is unselfish, it is humble, it is meek and gentle, it is self sacrificing, and it is all that you truly need to be happy in this world. He can be your closest and dearest friend, but that depends on you. I pray that you and I will always be close. You are my dear sweet Abby Girl and I am blessed to be your Mom. I love you

Dear Abby, Love Cousin Naomi

dear, abby I wish you a happy birthday! Hows it feel to be 8?? I am only 6. What is your favorite subject in school?? My favorite subject is reading and art! I wish you were here to play with me in California!:D Maybe we could make art together. I hope you have a SUPER birthday!:)

Dear Granddaughter, Love Papo and Grandma D

Happy "8th" Birthday, our precious Abigail Joy! 
Wow!  Where has the time gone...It seems like just yesterday your Mommy was here with us and we were just waiting for that special time that God would bring our precious, first-born granddaughter into this world.  You came into this world screaming and letting everyone know that you had arrived!  What a sweet, sweet time that was!  You were also the biggest newborn we had ever laid eyes on and we'll never forget that very special moment.  You have lived up to your name "Joy" as you have brought so much joy to anyone who gets to be around you for any length of time.  Each and every day, we thank God for sending you to the Delgado Family, we are so blessed to have such a precious, wonderful granddaughter!  You are one of the most loving little girls we have ever been around.  Your brother and sister are evidence of the love you share with them, as they too, are so loving!  Thank you for bringing so much joy into our lives.  Abby, you are so blessed to be beautiful inside and out, we pray that you will always walk with God and keep the inward beauty that God desires of you. We have shared so many wonderful times with you, it would be hard to name a few, but one of our favorite days was the day we got to take  you to the New Mexico State Fair, by yourself  and had a blast with you.  It was so much fun watching you do the clip that was aired on the local television station.   May you always look to Jesus and keep your eyes on Him, as you continue to grow.  We are so very proud of you, Abigail, and so blessed and grateful to call you our Granddaughter! 
Happy Birthday, precious Abby!  We love you so very much. 
Your ever-loving,
Papo and Grandma "D"

Dear Abby, Love Cousin Hannah

February 19, 2012
Dear Abby Joy,
Happy Birthday!!
I can’t believe you are already turning 8 years old! You’re growing into such a beautiful young lady!  
I wish I could be with you on your special day.  Hopefuly, sometime soon we can visit each other.  That would be so fun, wouldn’t it?
Well, I just wanted to let you know that I’m so proud of you.  You’re such a
great big sister and I know sometimes it gets tough, but just know that your little brother and sister look up to you and love you.
How is school? I see videos of you and read your blog and you sound like a very smart girl.  Keep it up!
I saw some pictures of you and think that you have the cutest outfits.  You’re so stylish.  Maybe if you come visit me, you can get all dressed up and I can do a photo shoot for you.  Would you like that?
Anyway, Abby, I just wanted to let you know that I love you and miss you so much!  I hope you have a wonderful day.
Hannah Joy

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dearest Abigail, Love Daddy

My Dearest Abigail Joy,
Happy Birthday to my Beautiful Princess! I can't believe that you are already 8 years old... It seems like just yesterday when Mommy would go to her ladies meetings at Church and I would babysit you. You were so attached to Mommy that you would lay at the front door and cry for her. After about an hour, you would let me hold you and you would fall asleep in my arms. I would try my best, but it wasn't very good. I think I've gotten a little bit better now that I've had practice with you and JoJo and Ellie.
I am so proud of you and am so thankful that you are my daughter. I know that I am not always a perfect daddy, but I really do want to be the best dad that I can be for you and JoJo and Ellie. I want to set the right example for you. I want to love you and treat you with kindness, tenderness, and patience. I want to be the kind of man that I would want for you to marry one day. I hope that I succeed in doing that, so much that you are willing to wait for God to bring His perfect choice into your life, and that you never settle for less or second best.
You amaze me everyday with how smart, thoughtful, and beautiful you are. Almost every single week, someone makes a comment that you look more and more like your mom. (The most beautiful woman in the world).... I have to agree that you look like Mommy, except for you have my same eyes, which is something that JoJo and Ellie don't have.
I am glad that you chose a trip to the Great Wolf Lodge for your birthday- We all had such a good time and will always remember celebrating your 8th Birthday there.
I pray for you everyday- that you will love God with all of your heart- that you will choose to do right- that your attitude will be good and positive. If you will do those things, you will be happy, blessed, and successful.
I hope you always know that I love you and that I am always here for you and always have time for you.
Happy Birthday!
Love Always and Forever,

Dear Abby, Love Aunt Sherry

Dear Abby...

One of my favorite pictures of you done by your mommy.
Hello Special Girl!  I am so happy to be able to write this birthday message to you today.  I can't believe you are 8 years old already!  The time seems to go so fast, especially because you are so far away from us!
I am glad that I am getting to know you a little better over the phone and through your blog.  Maybe we should start skyping? ;)
I love that you are such a great big sister to Joey and Ellie.  I am the oldest of my siblings and I know it's not always easy.  You get in trouble sometimes for things they do - even if it's not your fault - right?  That used to happen to me, but it wasn't too bad.  You get to be their example, their teacher, their protector, their friend.  It's a special position!
I also love that you love life the way you do.  You remind me a lot of your very own mommy when she was your age.  Your mommy loved to dress up, dance, roller skate... She was always laughing!  She was very stubborn too!  Once she decided she felt a certain way about something - she stuck to it!!  That wasn't always good, but now that she's older, it has helped her to stand up for what is right and stick to it!!  I hope that you have that too.

Me, Uncle Ondray and your  Mommy with "Santa"
I also love that you like to learn.  I love it that you love to read.  I won't ever forget the day you told me all the things you were learning about Queen Elisabeth I.  She is one of my favorite people to study.  From what I've learned, she was not perfect, but she usually tried to do what was right.  She did not have an easy childhood.  She dealt with rejection - even from her own father and half-sisters.  She dealt with people that tried to trick her and take her position.  There were people that lied about her and did not like her because of what she believed.  However, there were also people that did believe in her and did believe in what she stood for and they helped her.  She focused on the good - not the bad.  She knew that she had to be smart.
Life is like that for everybody.  I know that you are only EIGHT today, but I also know that you are smart and a thinker.  Remember that when you do right - there will be some people that will not like you for it.  Remember that sometimes you may feel alone, but you are never alone.  Always be brave and courageous like Good Queen Bess (that was one of her nicknames).  Stand tall and stand for what your mommy and daddy have taught you.
Elisabeth I - 1546 by an unknown artist
Lastly Abby, I know that you already know this, but you are a special child of God.  You are so loved and blessed by those in your life.  You are beautiful and you are smart.  I may not know everything about you little Abby Girl, but I do know that God has something special planned for your life.  You are amazing.  You are awesome.
I hope that one day you will live closer to us so that I can spend time getting to know you even more.  But until then, I will continue to read your blog and chat with you on the phone.
I hope your day is amazing like you.  I love you sweety!!
Love Always,
Aunt Sherry and Uncle Marco
Uncle Marco, Hannah, Taryn, Naomi and Little Marco
We love you Abby!! Happy Birthday!!

Dear Abby, Love Auntie Lori

Dear Abby, I am so happy and thankful to have you in my
life  as my niece and as my friend. You are already wise 
beyond your years. I love the heart you have for others. 
You're giving and loving and beautiful. I love the talent and 
interest you have in art and that we share that bond. 

Happy birthday awesome girl! Keep that fire in your heart 

for others. Keep honoring your mom and dad. You will never 
regret it

Enjoy your special day, sweet heart.

Love always, auntie Lori

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dear Abby, Love Cousin Dustin and Kelli

As you grow up, continue to be the sweet, caring, creative, laughing, playful, smart, loving girl that you are.  And, always remember: your family will always be there for you; treat others how you would want others to treat you; and try to keep a positive attitude throughout life's ups and downs.

Happy Birthday!  We love you.

Dustin and Kelli