I wanted to create this blog just for you. Think of it as letters of love and encouragement from me to you. You my dear daughter are such a special little girl. You have a beautiful and kind heart and I pray you will always hold on to that. I pray that as you grow older,you and I will grow closer. I pray that I will do a job well done in teaching you the things about life and about living for God. I love you so much sweet Abby. You bring so much JOY to my life and to all those around you. You are an amazing big sister and I can tell that your siblings just love and adore you. Thank you for being who you are. I am so thankful that God chose to make me your Mother.
Love you with every part of my heart

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dear Amazing Daughter,


Today you showed me a whole other side of you. You showed me the side of you that is strong, determined, and amazing. Today you ran your first race. A race that many adults and many kids could never finish. All around us you could see people walking instead of running. All around us, people would stop and take a small break. But you ran! You didn't just go a slow steady jog, you kept up with us. (your mom,dad and uncle Ondray) You were passing others along the side of us. Abby there came a time in our run, we were already finished about 3/4 of the race, and your feet were getting tired. You were getting hot, sweaty and so thirsty. You wanted to stop. You wanted to just walk. You wanted to take a break. But you have a loving Mother and a loving Father that cheered you on. We kept saying "come on Abby, we're almost done. You're doing great Abby, keep it up." Abigail, in your race of life, I promise you that your dad and I will always be here by your side to cheer you on, to believe in you and to encourage you. At one point in the race you said "Mom, I need to hold your hand." So I held out my hand and we finished the last stretch hand in hand. There will be times in your life when you will want me to hold your hand, and I hope you will never be too afraid, too proud or too good, to ask "Mom I need to hold your hand." I love you with all my heart Abigail and you are an extraordinary young lady. I will always have my hand available in case you need it. As we approached the end and saw the finish line appear out of no where, you got a boost of energy. You knew at that moment that you had made it. You were going to finish. We cheered each other on! We smiled, we hooped and hollered! We did it together, as a family. Abby Girl, in life there are times when you think you won't make it. You think, I just want to stop or quit. But don't ever give in. Don't ever quit because the finish line is probably right around the corner. I believe in you. I love you and I am so proud of you!!! Thank you for being such an amazing kid! 
Love you always,

1 comment:

  1. Um, okay no. You need to add a warning at the beginning....like grab a tissue before reading post! This was beautifully written. So proud of you Abby. Your mom was just like that when she was your age. Love you.
